16 questions/comments

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Question   all pictures
Nice to be reminded that there is so much beauty in the world

- Cyd Weissman August 03, 2014

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Question   Your Images
Beautiful gallery, Elliot. I am enjoying looking through your images.

- Beth OMeara August 02, 2014

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Question   spectacular
Pretty awesome eye for color and shape, you've witnessed a lot of beauty
and have you read the Book
My Son? You'd love it ..

- Cyd Weissman June 24, 2013

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Question   Elliot's photos!
You are a talented and terrific photographer! Beautiful photos of the Cayman Islands - you have captured the colors and flavor of the Island!

- Shelly Barnathan March 04, 2012

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Question   Your work
Some beautiful work, Elliot!

- Ellen Sanders April 10, 2011

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Question   Latest award!
Congrats, Dr. B on your latest photo acclaim --- beautiful photo --- love to you!

- Shelly Barnathan October 20, 2010

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Question   "Photo of the Day"
Bravo. It is a perfect photo .... good mix of chance and composing to make it come together. You must return to Stephentown this spring for award winning photos of wild trout!

- Steve Pentak March 12, 2010

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Question   Chanticleer
Chanticleer photos are outstanding - amazing color and composition!

- Secret Admirer July 28, 2009

  Answer What an AMAZING gallery you have!!! Your photography is so EXCEPTIONAL that it's beyond words.

Regards, Nancy J Locke

- Nancy J. Locke  March 12, 2010

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Question   Winning Dancer Photo
Dear El - This photo is stunning! Congratulations, felicitaciones, Mazel Tov on winning second place for this outstanding photo!

- Shelly Barnathan June 22, 2009

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Question   Lambertville photos
Beautiful colors in the Lambertville photos! Well-done! We love them~!

- From your secret admirers! May 07, 2009

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Question   Photos
Dr. B - your photos have inspired me to start picture taking again! You're so right about staring at these comp screens - mindless!

Thanks for the view - these are spectacular!


- Tracy Greer April 28, 2009

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Question   Graffiti gallery
Very nice HDR images. I live in Phila. Where (as specificaly as possible)is this site in Phila.? I would love to try my hand at this location. Thanks,
Bill R

- William A. Raich March 20, 2009

  Answer Hi Bill! Thanks for the comments. This is an old railroad pier that juts out into the Delaware River, north of the Ben Franklin Bridge. If you head north on North Delaware avenue to where it turns into Richmond St. You can turn right on either Schira Dr. which turns into Beach St. or right on East Cumberland St which meets Beach St. Park at that corner of E. Cumberanland and Beach St. There is a concrete barrier which you walk around and there is a path to the pier. I would bring someone with you as it would feel safer to have others with you! It is an amazing place to photograph! Enjoy.

- Elliot Barnathan  March 21, 2009

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Question   Your newest photos!
Very artistic and beautiful photos! We are very proud of you, El!
Shell, Jul, Aaron, Ev, Mollie and Mariss

- Shelly Barnathan March 12, 2009

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Question   El's photography!
I am very proud of you , El--- you rock! You are an artiste par excellence! I am glad that your love and passion for photography can be shared by others via this website! Go, El!!!!

- Shelly Barnathan February 16, 2009

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Question   #39
This is a great spatial puzzle. Hold for Design Basics 8th edition please.

- Troutbum Pentak February 05, 2009

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Question   Great photography
NIce work so far. Great idea gettign a web site. I love this photo

- Michel Taupin February 02, 2009

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